Terms and conditions

The following general terms and conditions (in the following "General Conditions") rule the use of this internet web site (in the following the "Site") owned by Hugowiz Sas di Donelli Ugo Mendes & C. (in the following the "Company").

Using the Site, the user express de facto consent to the General Conditions; hence, if the user does not accept the General Conditions, the Company invites not to use the Site and not to download any material from the Site

For using some of the Site services (in the following "Services") it can be necessary for the user to register in conformity with the instructions and following the terms stated in the Site.

The use and treatment of personal data will be performed in conformity of the Privacy Policy published on the Site, that the user is invited to read.

Use limits

The content of the Site is Copyright © of the Company. All rights are reserved. The content of the pages cannot be, nor in part neither completely, copied, reproduced, transferred, downloaded, published or distributed in any way without the written consent of the Company, except for storing them on your own computer or for printing for personal purposes.

The brands, the logo and the material that appears on the Site are owned by the Company. They cannot be used without written consent by the Company. The name of the Company and any logo that includes the name of the Company cannot be used as internet domain of other sites or part of the address withot written permission.

Warranty Exclusions and limited responsibility

The Company reserves the right to modify or integrate at any time the General Conditions. The Company will modifiy move or delete parts or add parts to this Site. The materials in the Site are provided "as they are" and with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Company does not guarantee or releases any declaration about the use or the outcomes deriving from the use of the content of the Site in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliablity or other. The fact that a document is available on the Site does not imply that the informations have not been modified or superseded by following events or by a subsequent document. The Company has no obligation in updating the information or the declarations in the Site.

The information in this Site are provided in good faith and the Company believes they are accurate. In any case, anyone would by any product, good or service should not rely on these information but must assess their effective nature and of their real fitness to the intended purpose. So all the information in the Site are provided without any warranty, implicit or explicit, of any kind. In no case the Company will be responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, due to the use of the Site.


Though the Site it is possible to follow links to other internet sites and to other web resources (in the following "External Sites"). The user acknowledges and agrees that the Company can not in any way be responsible for the content or the advertising or for the fitness of External Sites and or for products an or services of any kind proposed by those External Sites. The user acknowledges and agrees that the Company is not responsible in any way, direct or indirect, for damages by the Site related to the content of function of the External Sites or in relation to purchases or the functionality of the External Sites.


One or more "cookies" (small data files that websites send to the user's computer) can be somewhere in the Site, with the purpose of monitoring the use of the Site and enhance the user experience. The cookies used by the website are not used to profile the user. The Site uses Analytics services provided by Google inc. those services use cookies to collect statistic data about the Site use. You can find Google privacy policy at the following web site http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/cookies/ If you would prefer not to receive cookies, you an set your browser to alert in presence of cookies and then decide to accept or not. You can refuse automatically all the cookies activating the function in your browser.